Pine class
Pine class is a mixed Year One and Two class. We follow the Key Stage One curriculum through which we work on key skills such as fine motor, independence and resilience to complete our work.
We follow an overarching Key Stage One topic each half term whilst ensuring each year groups covers their appropriate subject objectives. This allows us to ensure progression throughout the key stage
We work together as a whole class, individually and in groups to complete our learning which is challenging and exciting in order for us to develop further. Some of our subjects are linked to our topic e.g. Marvellous Me and the children have access to a range of trips, experiences and guest speakers throughout the year.
We use our outside area to enhance, extend and build on our learning and believe that it is important to maximise all learning opportunities.
We have a reading area in our classroom which encourages and motivates children to develop their reading for pleasure. We read every day in order develop our phonics and comprehension skills as well as being read to daily to develop our vocabulary and love of reading.
Our learning and achievements are celebrated throughout the day by both adults and children, we use Class Dojo to share our learning with our adults at home.